Pension for employees without a CAO

Pension for employees without a CAO

Thursday 23 February 2023

Pension for employees without a collective labor agreement (CAO)

The collective labor agreement often contains agreements about pension accrual. But not all companies have a collective labor agreement. If you, as an employer, are not bound by a collective labor agreement, you can usually decide for yourself whether you offer a pension scheme. How does this work? 

No collective labor agreement, doesn’t necessary mean no pension accrual

In most professions (approximately 80%), a collective labor agreement (CLA, CAO in Dutch) has been concluded between employers and employees. The pension agreements form an important part of these collective labor agreements. But is it: no collective labor agreement, no pension? No, if there is no collective labor agreement, this does not mean that there is no pension accrual. Because most employers choose to offer a pension scheme themselves. 

Offer a pension scheme for employees without a collective labor agreement

Most employers who are not bound by a collective labor agreement decide to offer a pension scheme. Important arguments for this are:

  • A pension is not only income for later, but can also provide income in the event of disability or income for surviving relatives if an employee dies.
  • A pension scheme makes an employer more attractive to new employees.
  • It can also strengthen the bond with existing employees.

Quote for a pension scheme  

Scope research

In some cases, you are obliged to offer your employees a pension scheme. This may be the case if your employees do work that falls under a so-called mandatory obligation of an industry-wide pension fund. Are you unsure whether a mandatory requirement applies to your company? Then have it checked on the basis of a scope research. We can also help you with this.

Pension for employees without a cao